Google News Saying Goodbye to Paid Magazine: What’s Happening?

Paid magazine. Hey there! Did you know Google News had this cool thing where it let you read digital versions of magazines? Well, guess what? They’re taking that feature away in a month.

Paid Magazine: What’s the Buzz?

So, here’s the deal. Google dropped the news that they’re pulling the plug on letting you read paid magazines in their News app and on And that’s not just for new subscriptions—your existing collection is going poof too. So, if you’ve been buying magazines on Google News, you’re gonna lose access real soon.

Paid Magazine: What You Can Do

Paid magazine. Before they shut it all down on December 18, there’s a bit of a lifeline. Google says you can export copies of the magazines you bought. But here’s the catch: if a magazine has cool interactive stuff, you might not be able to save it. In that case, Google’s saying they’ll give you your money back.

Paid Magazine: Time’s Running Out

December 18, 2023—that’s the D-day. You’ve got till then to download your magazines or ask for a refund. So, if your Google News library is stacked with magazines, you gotta act fast to keep ’em or get your cash back.

Share Your Story

Are you one of those folks feeling the heat with this change? Drop a comment below and tell us how this news is hitting you. Did you manage to save your magazines, or are you aiming for that refund? Share your experience!

Bottom Line

Google News is saying bye-bye to paid magazines, and it’s happening fast. Come December 18, no more reading them on the app or website. But hey, you’ve got a chance to save your collection before it’s too late. Just remember, December 18 is the big day. Share your story if you’re caught up in this magazine mayhem!

Update: What Google Says About It

Okay, here’s an update. Google stepped in to explain that not many folks are into reading magazines on Google News these days. Apparently, they stopped letting people buy magazines on the app way back in 2020.

The Inside Scoop

According to Google, only a few people are actually checking out magazines on Google News each month since they stopped magazine purchases two years ago. They’re saying the remaining subscribers still have time to download the magazines they bought before or get a refund if it’s got fancy interactive stuff.

In a Nutshell

Seems like not many people are into magazine reading on Google News lately. They stopped selling them in 2020, and only a few readers are left. But those who still have subscriptions, you’ve got a bit of time left to save your magazines or get your money back for the interactive ones.